VerTiGo wrote:
big·ot ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bgt)
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.
while we're getting the dictionary out, Hinduphobic isn't even a word
VerTiGo wrote:
big·ot ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bgt)
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.
while we're getting the dictionary out, Hinduphobic isn't even a word
maybe not, but that won't stop some folks from grandstanding :getout:
The truth is generally seen, rarely heard.
-Balthasar Gracian
Yea, if I have to reread to think that maybe he's joking, maybe he shouldn't be posting that kind of crap. I don't know him like you do, and I sure didn't read any sarcasm in his posts.
Perhaps you should analyze this post for me- show mw where he's being sarcastic, b/c I sure don't "smell" it:
storm wrote:There really is no need to be ashamed or apologize for your bigotry. We all understand you are Hinduphobics. It is ok with me.
P.S. you may have only meant 2 people but you brought their religion into this and then the conversation went to how "they all" smell.
Somewhere in here there was reference to how many of them own convenient stores. I am all in favor of cancelling their favorable tax treatment but I still say they would be business persons regardless.
the first 2 statements. he's being sarcastic.... thus the made up "hinduphobics".
maybe y'all are pissed b/c he actualy hit a nerve and called you out. i don't knnow. all i know is storm is not one to start shit, he finds humor in everything and sometimes his humor is not understood by others.
Merideth wrote:the first 2 statements. he's being sarcastic.... thus the made up "hinduphobics".
maybe y'all are pissed b/c he actualy hit a nerve and called you out. i don't knnow. all i know is storm is not one to start shit, he finds humor in everything and sometimes his humor is not understood by others.
Ok, so he "made up" the word Hinduphobic and THATS how we all know he's joking? Right.
It wasn't that he "struck a nerve" it was the attitude in which he just decided to jump into a thread that he had no knowledge about and started judging.
Maybe his "humor" should be recerved for funny threads, or maybe even those who know him in real life, because nothing he posted in THIS thread has been funny. Come to think of it, if I have read more than three "funny" threads by him, I don't remember.
I have to say that I didn't see the humor or sarcasm in the posts either.
Merideth you need to remember that we don't know him like you do. I understand your need to support him but you also need to look at it from a perspective of not knowing him to understand why it could have been taken the wrong way.
well, it's one of those things that's not always obvious in a post. If someone is talking to you face to face you can tell when they are kidding by body language, facial expressions, a little guffaw at the end, body odor, fermones, released laughter hormones that climb up the nasal nerve. But online we don't have these cues, so sometimes we do mistake sarcasm for an insult. I am just kidding.