This movie came out on DVD last week and I rented it Friday night. I had seen the trailers for this when it was in the movies but didn't want to see it in the theatre.
A bit about it:
In 19th-century New Mexico, a father (Tommy Lee Jones) comes back home, hoping to reconcile with his adult daughter Maggie (Cate Blanchett). Maggie's daughter is kidnapped, forcing father and estranged daughter to work together to get her back. I have to add that Tommy had been living his life as an Indian and left his family to do so.
I generally enjoy both Tommy Lee Jones and Cate Blanchett (loved her in Elizabeth and LOTR) but I must say that I was disappointed. It is long movie, about 2 hours and 20 mins., and by the time it was over I was really ready to
geez.. here in the states, as long as you don't open the DVD (take off the shrink wrap) you can usually return it within 30 days. and if you HAVE opened it, you can only return it if it's defective.