Actually I have a bigger fish to fry....seems Little Jimmie decided to send me an I am in a minor conflict with him again....(like it ever ended)...Now he is referring himself as "man, myth, lover artist"
I bet he loves himself in front of the mirror everynight........maybe a myth in his own mind.....and what kind of MAN looks a kiddie porn....I give up on the artist bit...
"This way for the lost city,
This way for the lost people,
This way for eternal suffering,
All hope abandon, ye who enter here...
"This way for the lost city,
This way for the lost people,
This way for eternal suffering,
All hope abandon, ye who enter here...
Actually I have a bigger fish to fry....seems Little Jimmie decided to send me an I am in a minor conflict with him again....(like it ever ended)...Now he is referring himself as "man, myth, lover artist"
I bet he loves himself in front of the mirror everynight........maybe a myth in his own mind.....and what kind of MAN looks a kiddie porn....I give up on the artist bit...
He had been referring to himself as that for quite some time now.....before I got banned from his site that is....
He still sends me an occasional email about his I am giving a shit. Then I will reply to his shit email and ask, why you sending me this shit when you have banned me? Of course there is no reply.....fuckin jerk. :evilnana:
i get the same things CG. only i don't bother wasting my time responding to him. plus, i don't think he realizes that its me, cause i never posted on there and the name i registered with.. well.. hehehe.. i don't think anyone knows.