Poll: Groups Unhappy With Bush Performance
Audience please forgive the multiple responses but liberals like to lump several disparate thoughts together in one posting
If I respond in one long post everyone will be bored
Pawn--Katrina proves again what the funding fathers knew--large government bureaucracies do not work. FEMA was never created to be a first responder. Do some research when in the past did Fema arrive (mostly weeks or months afterward) but even if it was designed to be a first responder it would fail. Name me one government agency that is efficient and faithfully discharges its duties besides military.
This is one of the critical differences between constitutionalists and Republicans. We should be bebating why we even have FEMA.
After the Civil War the President was forbidden to send in US military to act as Police without the permission of the governor (posse comitus is the law). This has only be violated in recent memory by one President (Clinton using Tanks on Americans).
The media and Demos knew Bush they could slam him as a heavy handed Nazi if he had overridden the governer and if he did not then they could criticize him for letting people die as they inflated the body count and the violence.
In reality the body count was inflated, the violence inflated, and the demos Ragin and governer caused needless suffering.
Did you know the governer also refused to let in the American Red Cross? I guess that is Bush's fault too.
Bush diverts a plane, holds an emergency meeting at the Whitehouse and then calls the Governor. His aids say he asked if she needed military. Her aids refuse to comment. You decide did he call to see if she just watched the lastest episode of Amazing Race?
Since most sources agree he called back two days latter and asked about military, I think the truth is clear. The governor is either incompent or cruel.
Bush took credit for the errors because he is a true leader. By the way how many times did Clinton visit hurricane disaster sites? What did he do? How about after the bombing at WTC 1998?
If I respond in one long post everyone will be bored
Pawn--Katrina proves again what the funding fathers knew--large government bureaucracies do not work. FEMA was never created to be a first responder. Do some research when in the past did Fema arrive (mostly weeks or months afterward) but even if it was designed to be a first responder it would fail. Name me one government agency that is efficient and faithfully discharges its duties besides military.
This is one of the critical differences between constitutionalists and Republicans. We should be bebating why we even have FEMA.
After the Civil War the President was forbidden to send in US military to act as Police without the permission of the governor (posse comitus is the law). This has only be violated in recent memory by one President (Clinton using Tanks on Americans).
The media and Demos knew Bush they could slam him as a heavy handed Nazi if he had overridden the governer and if he did not then they could criticize him for letting people die as they inflated the body count and the violence.
In reality the body count was inflated, the violence inflated, and the demos Ragin and governer caused needless suffering.
Did you know the governer also refused to let in the American Red Cross? I guess that is Bush's fault too.
Bush diverts a plane, holds an emergency meeting at the Whitehouse and then calls the Governor. His aids say he asked if she needed military. Her aids refuse to comment. You decide did he call to see if she just watched the lastest episode of Amazing Race?
Since most sources agree he called back two days latter and asked about military, I think the truth is clear. The governor is either incompent or cruel.
Bush took credit for the errors because he is a true leader. By the way how many times did Clinton visit hurricane disaster sites? What did he do? How about after the bombing at WTC 1998?
"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." John Adams
Pawn I love this quote "Taking out Saddam created a power vacum in a fractious, tribal country"
Except I fail to recognize it as part of your gramatical style. It reads more like something out of the New York Times.
Besides what vacum are you describing the country has held two elections with very few problems. We have heard no major story about violence between ethic groups like exists in Africa or in Bosnia/Serbia. There is violence as Zarcoward tries to reestablish a base of operations for his terrorist friends. And there are isolated bombings of Sunnis and Shites but Zarcoward even bombs muslims.
Sure there was a tremendous amount of violence right after liberation as old debts to Sadaam loyalists and others were repaid and new ones exchanged.
Besides do you think Germany was all hugs and kisses after WWII? Research my friend it was not
How about a little country called America in 1776? We even had ourselves a Civil War where ten of thousands died in 1876.
So what are you suggesting we put Sadaam back in power and hope he does not attack us or another one of his neighbors?
Except I fail to recognize it as part of your gramatical style. It reads more like something out of the New York Times.
Besides what vacum are you describing the country has held two elections with very few problems. We have heard no major story about violence between ethic groups like exists in Africa or in Bosnia/Serbia. There is violence as Zarcoward tries to reestablish a base of operations for his terrorist friends. And there are isolated bombings of Sunnis and Shites but Zarcoward even bombs muslims.
Sure there was a tremendous amount of violence right after liberation as old debts to Sadaam loyalists and others were repaid and new ones exchanged.
Besides do you think Germany was all hugs and kisses after WWII? Research my friend it was not
How about a little country called America in 1776? We even had ourselves a Civil War where ten of thousands died in 1876.
So what are you suggesting we put Sadaam back in power and hope he does not attack us or another one of his neighbors?
"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." John Adams
Devlin wrote:thats the main argument I have heard from most Libs....executed of course from the media, and what civilians hear in interviews from people like Schumer, Kerry, or Kennedy published in mass quanities by the same.storm wrote:Pawn I love this quote "Taking out Saddam created a power vacum in a fractious, tribal country"
Except I fail to recognize it as part of your gramatical style. It reads more like something out of the New York Times.

*** imagines Storm decked out in a Rush Ligmbaugh T-Shirt chanting DITTO DITTO DITTO while typing all responses in this thread*** j/k
The truth is generally seen, rarely heard.
-Balthasar Gracian
-Balthasar Gracian
*** imagines Storm decked out in a Rush Ligmbaugh T-Shirt chanting DITTO DITTO DITTO while typing all responses in this thread*** j/k
Audience this is called diversion as previously stated rather than debating the point the liberals will attempt to smear the opposition. Of course now some liberal will say well you suggested he lifted it from the New York Times. Sort of True but I offered evidence to the contradict the suppisition. What we see here is inflamatory and senseless accusation.
One would have to listen to Rush to suggest I am mimmicing him in either style or content. I can not listen to Rush because I am in a concrete building that radio signals fail to penetrate (with Dick Cheney just kidding) and I am not authorized load any software on this computer (as I am not Al Gore and I did not invent the internet).
I do like the footie pajamas.
I checked the Rush Limbaugh site just for fun and he is not selling Ditto shirts
But he is selling Club GITMO shirts
The Club G'itmo T-Shirt - My Mullah went to Club G'itmo and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt
click here for larger image » Illustrate absurdity by being absurd. This one will really get under the skin of the lib next-door. Club G'itmo logo on front "My Mullah went to Club G'itmo and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt" emblazoned on the back. Available in Institutional Orange only in sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL, and now in XXXL & XXXXL!.
For other sizes, please check the blue arrow.
Club G'itmo - Small - $19.95Club G'itmo - Medium - $19.95Club G'itmo - Large - $19.95Club G'itmo - Extra Large - $19.95Club G'itmo - Extra Extra Large - $19.95Club G'itmo - XXXL - $22.95Club G'itmo - XXXXL - $25.95
We put names in a hat and I drew your name as a secret Santa.
Did you want me to get one for you for Christmas?
Audience this is called diversion as previously stated rather than debating the point the liberals will attempt to smear the opposition. Of course now some liberal will say well you suggested he lifted it from the New York Times. Sort of True but I offered evidence to the contradict the suppisition. What we see here is inflamatory and senseless accusation.
One would have to listen to Rush to suggest I am mimmicing him in either style or content. I can not listen to Rush because I am in a concrete building that radio signals fail to penetrate (with Dick Cheney just kidding) and I am not authorized load any software on this computer (as I am not Al Gore and I did not invent the internet).
I do like the footie pajamas.
I checked the Rush Limbaugh site just for fun and he is not selling Ditto shirts
But he is selling Club GITMO shirts
The Club G'itmo T-Shirt - My Mullah went to Club G'itmo and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt
click here for larger image » Illustrate absurdity by being absurd. This one will really get under the skin of the lib next-door. Club G'itmo logo on front "My Mullah went to Club G'itmo and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt" emblazoned on the back. Available in Institutional Orange only in sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL, and now in XXXL & XXXXL!.
For other sizes, please check the blue arrow.
Club G'itmo - Small - $19.95Club G'itmo - Medium - $19.95Club G'itmo - Large - $19.95Club G'itmo - Extra Large - $19.95Club G'itmo - Extra Extra Large - $19.95Club G'itmo - XXXL - $22.95Club G'itmo - XXXXL - $25.95
We put names in a hat and I drew your name as a secret Santa.
Did you want me to get one for you for Christmas?
"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." John Adams
I was using humor, same as you.storm wrote:*** imagines Storm decked out in a Rush Ligmbaugh T-Shirt chanting DITTO DITTO DITTO while typing all responses in this thread*** j/k
Audience this is called diversion as previously stated rather than debating the point the liberals will attempt to smear the opposition. Of course now some liberal will say well you suggested he lifted it from the New York Times. Sort of True but I offered evidence to the contradict the suppisition. What we see here is inflamatory and senseless accusation.
One would have to listen to Rush to suggest I am mimmicing him in either style or content. I can not listen to Rush because I am in a concrete building that radio signals fail to penetrate (with Dick Cheney just kidding) and I am not authorized load any software on this computer (as I am not Al Gore and I did not invent the internet).
I do like the footie pajamas.
I checked the Rush Limbaugh site just for fun and he is not selling Ditto shirts
But he is selling Club GITMO shirts
The Club G'itmo T-Shirt - My Mullah went to Club G'itmo and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt
click here for larger image » Illustrate absurdity by being absurd. This one will really get under the skin of the lib next-door. Club G'itmo logo on front "My Mullah went to Club G'itmo and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt" emblazoned on the back. Available in Institutional Orange only in sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL, and now in XXXL & XXXXL!.
For other sizes, please check the blue arrow.
Club G'itmo - Small - $19.95Club G'itmo - Medium - $19.95Club G'itmo - Large - $19.95Club G'itmo - Extra Large - $19.95Club G'itmo - Extra Extra Large - $19.95Club G'itmo - XXXL - $22.95Club G'itmo - XXXXL - $25.95
We put names in a hat and I drew your name as a secret Santa.
Did you want me to get one for you for Christmas?
I'll skip the Rush goodies. If you drew my name you can get me a Sig Sauer P228

The truth is generally seen, rarely heard.
-Balthasar Gracian
-Balthasar Gracian
hey.... it doesn't take an english degree to pick up on everyone's grammatical (writing) styles. take me for example. you'll notce that i almost never capitalize (unless i'm angry).. that's a writing style i use -- a reasonably intelligent person can pick out the stylings of individuals just by observing a handful of postings... its not rocket science, my dear.
Yes? What do [i][b]YOU[/i][/b] want?
ok. please break down my gramatical style for the class. be specific and clearly explain why my previous point(s) seem contrived rather than original.Merideth wrote:hey.... it doesn't take an english degree to pick up on everyone's grammatical (writing) styles. take me for example. you'll notce that i almost never capitalize (unless i'm angry).. that's a writing style i use -- a reasonably intelligent person can pick out the stylings of individuals just by observing a handful of postings... its not rocket science, my dear.
i know, i know- any liberal thought or point i post couldn't be original- I had to have picked it up somewhere like a parrot or lemming. I have never read the NY Times but that source is often referenced as a source by others in my posts.
The truth is generally seen, rarely heard.
-Balthasar Gracian
-Balthasar Gracian
Ny Times is the source for most mass media that has been the point Devlin and I have been trying to make. The various outlets CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC are not independently producing their stories.
My point about grammatical reference is an opinion. I do not need to defend an opinion. You however stated a conclusion which I repeat
"removing Sadaam created a vacum in a fractious, tribal country"
I doubt the people of Iraq consider themselves tribal and given the lastest agreement to a constitution indicates their degree of fractiousness seems more media hype than reality.
Frankly (use of frankly indicates grammatical style no matter where I blog this trait appears over and over again no English degree needed), this country could described as Fractious. The debate on the floor of the Senate. Blue states, red states, yankees, southerners, californians, chrsitians, muslims, jews, mexicans, etc.
My point about grammatical reference is an opinion. I do not need to defend an opinion. You however stated a conclusion which I repeat
"removing Sadaam created a vacum in a fractious, tribal country"
I doubt the people of Iraq consider themselves tribal and given the lastest agreement to a constitution indicates their degree of fractiousness seems more media hype than reality.
Frankly (use of frankly indicates grammatical style no matter where I blog this trait appears over and over again no English degree needed), this country could described as Fractious. The debate on the floor of the Senate. Blue states, red states, yankees, southerners, californians, chrsitians, muslims, jews, mexicans, etc.
"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." John Adams