
"Anything" and "Goes". You don't need a high IQ to figure it out
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Post by .:VerTiGo:. »

A 'sniglet' is a word that isn't in the dictionary, but should be... :lol:

Opling (op' pling) - n. The act, when feeding a baby, of opening and closing one's mouth, smacking one's lips and making "yummy" noises, in the hope that baby will do the same.

Carcreak - n. Those crackling, tinkling, creaky noises your car makes after you park and turn it off

Napression Marks (n): Those indentation lines on your face created by your bedding when you when you wake up.

Woowad (wew' wad) - n. Giant clumps of stuck-together rice served at Chinese restaurants.

Methylphobia (meth il fo' be uh) - n. The fear that you are going to have to pay for the one cent you over-pumped at the self-service station.

Rignition (rig ni' shun) - n. The embarrassing action of trying to start one's car with the engine already running.

Mopeeps (moh' peeps) - n. People compelled to look through the curtain opening of your motel room as they pass by.

Nevitts (nev' itz) - n. The sandpaper-like deposits on a cat's tongue.

Umbrace (uhm' brays) - n. The small strap that holds an umbrella in place.

Baldage (bald' aj) - n. The accumulation of hair in the drain after showering.

Upuls (yu' puls) - n. The blank pages at the beginning and end of books, presumably placed there so you can rewrite the ending.

Exaspirin (eks as' prin) - n. Any bottle of pain reliever with an impossible-to-remove cotton wad at the top.

Beavo (bee' vo) - n. A pencil with teeth marks all over it.

Fictate (fik' tayt) - v. To inform a television or screen character of impending danger under the assumption they can hear you.

Bazookacidal Tendencies (bah zew' kuh sy dal ten' den seez) - n. The overwhelming desire of most individuals to reach out and pop the gigantic gum bubble billowing from someone's mouth.

Musquirt (mus' kwirt) - n. The water that comes out of the initial squirts of a squeeze mustard bottle.

Cubelo (kyew' beh lo) - n. The one cube left by the person too lazy to refill the ice tray.

Blurfle (bler' ful) - v. To be caught talking at the top of one's lungs when the music at the bar or disco suddenly stops

Petonic (peh ton' ik) - adj. One who is embarrassed to undress in front of a household pet.

Glackett (glak' it) - n. The noisy ball inside a spray-paint can.

Neutron Peas (new' tron peez) - n. Tiny green objects in TV dinners that remain frozen even when the rest of the food has been microwaved beyond recognition.

Frankfluid(frank flew' id) - n. The liquid at the bottom of hot dog packages.

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Jean Pool
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Post by Jean Pool »

Too Funny.

Posterific & Postabulous Post!
Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
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Post by .:VerTiGo:. »

:lol: sank you, dahling, sank you!
I used to have the Sniglets books when I was younger.. they even had pics.. they were great.
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Post by Night_Angel »

awesome, that was some great posting! lol
[size=][i]"They think, but they don't know. If they knew, I'd already be dead." - Carlito Brigante : Carlito's Way[/i]

[i]"You're all a bunch of fuckin' assholes, you know why? 'Cause you don't have the guts to be what you wanna be." - Tony Montana : Scarface[/i][/size]
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