ran out of town. When I finally calmed down, I looked around and realized two things: One I had NO IDEA where I was and two, my lepreucan was missing. So, drove to this really dilapidated looking gas station and went inside to ask for help. But what I found inside made me pee myself. There sitting inside the store was.......
my Leprechaun, sitting with a monkey, shoot'in the breeze and drink'in beers. Both were apparently drunk so I stormed over to the two of them and ........
demanded my share of the pot. Once in my posession, I rolled a blunt and stashed the rest of the pot in my inside pants pocket. I snatched up the monkey, leaving the Leprechaun to ...
ponder the err of his ways. The monkey and I were high as kites and got the munchies so we headed off in search of some yummy snacks. We spotted an ice cream palor and...
and she was angry because she didn't like Lima Bean ice cream either so she smacked my monkey and told him to get lost. He was taken aback and then he got mad and...............
"You should be ashamed of yourself! Dirtying up your habit like that!"....and smacked the already muddied nun. Monkey and I thought we had better high-tail it outta there so we ran toward.....
My monkey pal was real excited and wanted to make sure that we could see all the action so we headed toward the arena when we spotted none other than that damned Leprechaun! I was sick of him at this point and....